Bell’articolo di Giuseppe Corvaglia, su di noi e …

Bell’articolo di Giuseppe Corvaglia, su di noi e sul nostro concerto al Premio Loano per la Musica Tradizionale Italiana di quest’estate, in cui abbiamo riabbracciato sul palco uno dei nostri fondatori, Roberto Licci, padre di Emanuele. Esperienza magica.

#cgstour #cgsfamily #press Ciro De Rosa Jacopo Tomatis

Ricordi di emozioni ad alta quota… bellissimo …

Ricordi di emozioni ad alta quota… bellissimo festival!

#cgstour #cgsfamily #aiora

“Di padre in figlio” …

“Di padre in figlio”
Da Daniele a Mauro Durante la storia del CGS Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino in questo bellissimo pezzo di Rosario Tornesello.

#canzonieregrecanicosalentino #cgsfamily


We are so happy, incredibly proud… this award is for the 8 of us, our #cgsfamily. It’s for our passion and our unconditioned love for this music. And it’s also an acknowledgement to the “pizzica” style as a movement, a new reality in the world music scene.
We are humbled and thrilled to see the great names that won this award before us!
We really wanna thank you all. Thanks to our fans, to who voted for us, to Songlines, to Titti, Giuseppe, Luca and everyone at Ponderosa Music & Art. Thanks to the priceless support of Puglia Sounds. To our families, all our friends and coworkers spread all over the world. And thanks to our land: Salento, Puglia. We are ambassadors of an extraordinary culture, and we take its beauty out to the world.
To a new beginning… “nu te fermare”!

cgs best group 2018