(M. Durante)




Tata nu basta chiui

quiddhu ca m’hai dittu

mpegnate suda e fatia

pueti avire tuttu

tata nu c’ete chiui

spaziu pe li onesti

ruba, licca lu culu

ci uei bai a ‘nanzi

ce addhu fare moi

pe li sogni mei

e dimme tie ci sai

ci è meju restu a quai

quandu me pija l’ansia de partire

tata me sentu lu

fuecu ‘ntra lu piettu

ogghiu trou la strada mia

quistu è lu momentu

tata lu ientu e poi

li tramonti lenti

pena ca nu more mai

terra d’emigranti

ieu li sogni mei

nu li lassu mai

e dimme tie ci sai

ci è meju restu a quai

quandu me pija l’ansia de partire

e calau

lu sule calau tienime tata

ca me nde sta bau

e dimme tie ci sai

ci è meju restu a quai

quandu me pija l’ansia de partire

e calau

lu sule calau tienime tata

ca me nde sta bau

Dad it’s not enough anymore
What you told me
Do your best and work hard
You can have it all
Dad there’s no more
space for honesty
steal, kiss arses
if you want to go far
What shall I do now with my dreams
tell me if you know
If it’s better to stay here
When I get the urge of leaving
Dad I feel the
fire inside my chest
I want to find my way
the time is now
Dad the wind and then
the slow sunsets
Sorrow that never dies
Land of emigrants
I will never put my dreams aside
Tell me if you know
If it’s better to stay here
When I get the urge of leaving
The sun has set
hold me back Dad
Cause I’m going away